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Knee Kinesiography

Knee Kinesiography (KneeKG) is a 3D high-tech dynamic knee assessment to address causes of knee pain. It is specifically designed for patients with impaired movement functions in the knee from an orthopaedic cause. Our KneeKG system is used to increase the understanding of the knee function and deficits to provide information used in physical evaluation and treatment planning purposes. 

The KneeKG assessment defines biomechanical dysfunctions, and quickly generates precise, reliable and real-time data by looking at knee joint motion during walking. This data, as well as other advanced technological systems such as MRI scans, helps orthopaedic consultants to identify causes of symptoms. In addition to this, the KneeKG assessment generates personalised treatment exercises specifically targeting any deficits recorded, which can then be performed at your convenience to improve your gait and eventually reduce pain. 

Joint Pain


  • The knee joint is the most complex joint in your body

  • Knee Kinesiography is what an electrocardiogram (ECG) is for the heart


  • Help with Knee Pain

  • Identify biomechanical dysfunctions

  • Assist orthopaedic consultants to diagnose symptoms such as Osteoarthritis, ACL and other

Knee Anatomy is Complex

We can help you with:

Knee Pain 

Are you experiencing pain in your knee and you are unsure what is causing it?

Depending on the condition of the knee, sometimes a KneeKG assessment would be enough to help you reduce your pain in your knee. If the condition is a biomechanical dysfunction that can be treated using our personalised exercise plans, there would be no need for further investigations. In other cases, a KneeKG assessment assists orthopaedic consultants and is used with a combination of other treatment options to help you return back to your normal self.

Gait Performance

Do you feel like your gait pattern is abnormal and would require improvement?

KneeKG is specifically designed to gather biomechanical data about your gait, in particular your knee joint motion. The system is able to present what is considered to be a normal gait pattern by using a wide range of studies and then comparing against your own data to detect any abnormalities. Data such as knee flexion/extension and dynamic Varus/Valgus malalignment are captured using a high-tech motion analysis camera.

Treatment Plans

Would you like to receive personalised treatment exercises to improve your condition?

At the end of the KneeKG assessment, a healthcare professional can sit down with you and discuss your data. Any biomechanical dysfunctions, can then be treated using personalised treatment exercises in which you can do at your own convenience. A wide range of exercises can be chosen to target specific deficits recorded by the KneeKG system and you can choose which ones you would prefer to do. 

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