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Open MRI

What is an Open MRI scan?

MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging which is a way of taking pictures inside the body without using x-rays, not emitting ionising radiation.

Open MRI is suitable for certain parts of your body, including bones and soft tissues using one of the most advanced imaging techniques to date. MRI uses a very strong magnetic field which allows doctors to see inside your body in a way previously only possible through surgery.

Open MRI delivers the same level of accuracy as a traditional scanner; however, all four sides of the scanner are open, therefore reducing the risk of claustrophobia and panic attacks.


Traditional MRI scanners can be particularly uncomfortable for claustrophobic patients, overweight patients or for those unable to lie flat for a prolonged period.

Most Open MRI scans are completed within 30 minutes. However, some scans may require up to 40 minutes to complete, including preparations. During an open MRI scan, it is imperative that you remain still during the entire process to obtain the best image quality possible and reduce the overall scanning time.

Advantages of an Open MRI over the conventional 'tunnel' MRI:​

  • Patients can be imaged in a lying or a seated position.

  • Perfect for patients that may suffer Claustrophobia or anxiety.

  • Suitable for patients who are larger or have restricted mobility.

  • Some patients need to be observed during the scan for whatever reason.

  • Offers a range of different MRI scans including spine, shoulder, ankle, and the hip region.


What can we offer?

MSK Doctors offers an open MRI scan that is a winner in the game of MRI. It is a dedicated solution for sports medicine specialists that covers all musculoskeletal anatomy from foot to shoulders, including the L and C-spine. It is perfectly in line with today's need for efficient and economic health care.

In addition, our open MRI scanner offers a truly multidisciplinary approach for the diagnosis of various MSK injuries. MSK Doctors can also conduct diagnostic imaging that scans patients during motion. This gives a unique insight into how the body looks during certain movements, offering an entirely different perspective for MSK professionals which can help with decision making.

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Some of the practicing consultants have a financial interest in MSK Doctors Clinics but this will not influence clinical decisions affecting your care. MSK Doctors is the trading name of MSK Doctors & Associates Limited. Registered in England and Wales under company number: 12301444,
Registered to address The Keep Clinic, Old The Old Barracks, Sandon Road, Grantham, England, NG31 9AS
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