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MSK Doctors Regeneration Medicine Conference 
13th June, 2023

Innovation doesn’t occur in a vacuum.

Movers and thinkers from Issac Newton to Elon Musk,  “borrowed”
inspiration from the giants who came before them.

Regeneration medicine is about understanding and respecting the body’s biology. As clinicians, we are privileged to be able to apply these principles to practice. With the advances in medical technology, many regeneration options are now available as medical devices, medicine, or surgical techniques. When it is done right and applied to the correct patient, we can witness the human biology in action and treat our patients beyond metal and plastics.


MSK Doctors specialise in both the non-surgical and surgical management of joint and muscle issues. We embrace effective treatments options. Our vision is to deliver cutting edge medical and surgical therapy options to patients. Our aim is to help our patients delay and avoid surgery for as long as possible and stay active.


Regeneration in musculoskeletal medicine is not just about ‘Stem Cells’, ‘Cartilage’ and ‘PRP’. It is important to look beyond the smoke screen and understand all aspects of things that will influence human biology, whether that is physiology, mechanics, nutrition, or sleep. They all have a very important part to play in the regeneration journey.


This conference is designed to exchange and discuss ideas and current concepts in regeneration MSK medicine. With a multidisciplinary approach from orthopaedics, spine, sports, general surgery, anaesthetics, and the scientific community, we can learn from each other and form the best practice to treat our patients.

'If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.'

- Sir Isaac Newton 

University of Lincoln.jpg

Gilmore's Groin

Confirmed Faculty 

Prof Paul Lee

Prof Jon Whitehead

Mr Simon Marsh 

Mr Alun Yewlett

Mr Kar Teoh 

Mr Naz Moideen 

Mr Leonidas Vachtsevanos

Mr Franky Brooks

Ms Sarah Mcneillis

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mFat, PRP


Human Factors in Regeneration 

See you in London

Thanks for subscribing!

Some of the practicing consultants have a financial interest in MSK Doctors Clinics but this will not influence clinical decisions affecting your care. MSK Doctors is the trading name of MSK Doctors & Associates Limited. Registered in England and Wales under company number: 12301444,
Registered to address The Keep Clinic, Old The Old Barracks, Sandon Road, Grantham, England, NG31 9AS
Copyright © 2022. MSK Doctors.

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