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What you need to know about cell therapy ?

Updated: Nov 9, 2022

Prof Paul Lee - MSK Regeneration Blog on MSK Doctors

What is cell therapy?

.Cell therapy is a type of biological treatment using the body’s own building blocks to regenerate and regrow an injured part. When part of the body is damaged, cell therapy techniques can help restore that part to its “original” state.

The problem with the human body is that we don’t always recover fully from injuries. Broken bones can heal and bruises eventually go away, but when you cut yourself badly you’re left with a scar that never completely vanishes. Then there are a whole range of injuries that involve the soft tissues of our body – the cartilage and tendons – such as a shoulder injury or knee injury. Even with the best surgery you’re likely to still have limited range of movement and possibly pain. There seems to be something that stops these soft tissues from healing properly.

But what if we could help the soft tissues recover?

That’s what cell therapy is all about. Over the last 40 years, researchers have been figuring out the environment our bodies need to help soft tissues grow and regenerate. The latest techniques are safer than ever – and they can be carried out in a single session. S.T.A.C.i.

The Regeneration Man

Regeneration Man
The Regeneration Man

MBBch, MFSEM (UK), MSc (Sports Med), PhD (Med Engine), FEBOT, FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Consultant Sports and Arthroplasty Surgeon

MSK and Regeneration Medicine Doctor

Visiting Professor of Sports Medicine

I.C.R.S. teaching centre of excellence

Regional advisor Royal College of Surgeon Ed

Passionate about biology, engineering, computers and medicine.

Sports Muscle Injuries and Actovegin: Basics, Concepts and Future of Actovegin by Paul Y. F. Lee (2016-02-22)

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