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Golfing Injuries

Updated: Nov 9, 2022

Although not as active as some sports injuries can still occur whilst playing golf. The explosiveness of the swing can put get stress on the whole body, here are some of the injuries you can acquire while golfing.


New golfers who aren't used to twisting their bodies much are prone to neck injuries. After a few hours of swinging the club and hitting balls, the neck muscles may shorten in spasm and freeze the neck into a painful position.

Lower back and spine

The swing's rotational stresses can put a lot of strain on the spine and muscles. When you consider that golfers spend four to five hours in a bent-over stance, repeating the same motion hundreds of times, it's no surprise that minor back strains can quickly escalate into serious injuries.


Rotator cuff injuries can occur because of traumatic force from a poorly executed golf swing, hitting a root or rock, taking a deep divot, or overuse. Due to the repetitive motion of the golf swing, golfers can develop tendinitis, and tears in the rotator cuff.


The most common condition affecting the elbow is tendonitis (irritation and inflammation of the tendon tissue). When the outer tendon is injured, it is referred to as "tennis elbow," and when the inner tendon is injured, it is referred to as "golfer's elbow." Most golfers, ironically, get "tennis elbow" rather than "golfer's elbow." Tendinitis is more common as people get older, and it is more common in people who engage in activities that require repetitive movements that put stress on vulnerable tendons, such as hitting golf balls.


Golf's repetitive motions, combined with the high speed of a typical swing, can put wrists at risk of injury. At the top of the backswing and at impact, pain and tenderness on the top of the wrist are common. Tendinitis, or swelling of the tendons that control wrist movement, is the most common golf-related wrist injury.


The hip joint is normally very mobile and capable of withstanding high loading stresses, but it is especially vulnerable to injury during golf because the swing involves so much pivoting and twisting. The hip is subjected to repeated motion and flexion/extension forces during the golf swing. This requires a high level of control across the gluteal and adductor muscle structures. The hip joint is very similar to the shoulder joint or rotator cuff, so hip injuries are very similar to rotator cuff tears.

The best way to prevent any injuries is by warming up and stretching before going out onto the course, avoid long hours of practise and working on your swing mechanics to improve the perfect golf swing.

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