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Pros and Cons on modern injections for knee osteoarthritis (OA)

Injection therapies are commonly used in the management of knee osteoarthritis (OA) to provide symptomatic relief and improve function. Let's discuss the pros and cons of some popular injection therapies for knee OA, including steroid injections, platelet-rich plasma (PRP), Arthrosamid, adipose-derived stem cells (fat cells), and hyaluronic acid (HA).

Steroid Injections:


Provides quick pain relief by reducing inflammation.

Can be effective for short-term pain management.

Widely available and relatively low cost.


Temporary relief, as the effects wear off over time.

May have limited long-term benefits.

Potential side effects, such as local tissue damage, infection, or temporary elevation of blood sugar levels in individuals with diabetes.

Make OA worst

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP):


Contains growth factors that may promote tissue healing and regeneration.

Some studies suggest it may have potential long-term benefits.

Generally considered safe, as it utilises the patient's own blood.


Limited evidence regarding its effectiveness compared to other treatments.

Higher cost compared to other injection therapies.

The preparation process can vary, impacting the consistency and quality of the PRP.

3 recent clinic trial show PRP alone has no effect on OA



Provides cushioning effect and joint lubrication.

May provide long-lasting pain relief.

Suitable for individuals who cannot tolerate other injection therapies.


Limited availability and accessibility.

Requires specialised training for administration.

Cost can be higher compared to other options.

Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (Fat Cells):


Potential for tissue regeneration and repair.

Can be obtained from the patient's own body.

Some studies suggest it may have long-lasting benefits.


Extraction process may involve additional procedures.

High cost, as it requires specialised processing and administration.

Hyaluronic Acid (HA) Injections:


Provides lubrication and shock absorption in the joint.

Can offer medium-term pain relief for some individuals.

Generally well-tolerated with few side effects.


Effectiveness varies among individuals.

Multiple injections may be needed for optimal results.

Cost can be a factor, especially if insurance coverage is limited.

It's important to note that individual responses to injection therapies can vary, and not all options may be suitable for everyone. A consultation with a healthcare professional is essential to determine the most appropriate treatment based on the individual's specific condition, medical history, and preferences.

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