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The 3 most common sporting injuries – and when they happen

Updated: Nov 9, 2022

Prof Paul Lee - MSK Regeneration Blog on MSK Doctors

In my practice, I see a wide range of patients with sporting injuries, particularly in the knee and ankle. If you want to avoid a sporting injury it’s very important to understand when they can happen, so here’s a round-up of some of the most common injuries we see:

Muscle injury

By far the most common types of sports injuries is a muscle injury. Bruising and contusion around the muscle are very common in most types of injury, but usually, this will settle down and does not require any intervention. However, there is technology out there that can reduce suffering and treat symptoms as you recover.

ACL rupture

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture is a very common injury in younger patients, and usually happens in a non-contact environment.

For example, when a player is trying to turn and cut on a hard ground, or when they’re wearing studs on their feet causing their foot to get in the ground, their body goes one way and their foot is still stuck. This creates tremendous twisting energy and can cause a rupture of the ACL. With this type of injury, the patient will feel a “pop” inside the knee and the knee will swell immediately.

Luckily, it can be managed without surgery and with time things will settle down. There are different braces that we can use to treat it, and with strong muscle, physiotherapy will help. It is best to seek medical advice and to discuss treatment options.

Ligament injury

Ligament injury, or sprain, occurs on the ankle more often than the knee. Most of the time, a sprain can be treated with conservative management, but it depends on the severity of the sprain. There are different technologies out there that can help to reduce the pain after this type of injury, and functional bracing is very important. Early treatment is key to recovery.

The Regeneration Man

Regeneration Man
The Regeneration Man

MBBch, MFSEM (UK), MSc (Sports Med), PhD (Med Engine), FEBOT, FRCS (Tr & Orth)

Consultant Sports and Arthroplasty Surgeon

MSK and Regeneration Medicine Doctor

Visiting Professor of Sports Medicine

I.C.R.S. teaching centre of excellence

Regional advisor Royal College of Surgeon Ed

Passionate about biology, engineering, computers and medicine.

Sports Muscle Injuries and Actovegin: Basics, Concepts and Future of Actovegin by Paul Y. F. Lee (2016-02-22)

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