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  • Emma B

How To Improve Your Performance in Rugby Games

Rugby is a strenuous sport that requires a high level of fitness. To be successful, players need to be physically strong and have explosive power. They also need to be able to sprint over long distances and have good endurance.

Rugby players also need to be agile and have good ball-handling skills. In addition, they need to be able to make quick decisions and have good game sense.

Finally, players need to be mentally tough and able to handle the pressure of playing in front of a large crowd.

This article provides an overview of how to improve your rugby performance. It explains the importance of resistance training, agility training, and psychological techniques.

How to incorporate resistance training?

Regular resistance training is an important part of any rugby player’s training regime. It helps to improve muscular strength, power and endurance, all of which are important for on-field performance.

There are many different ways to resistance train, and the type of training you do will depend on your goals and what stage of the season you are in. For example, during the preseason you may do more strength-based training to build muscle, while during the season you may do more power-based training to improve your explosive power.

No matter what type of resistance training you do, there are some basic principles that you should follow. These include using a variety of exercises, gradually increasing the loads you lift, and using good technique. By following these principles, you can make sure that your resistance training is effective and safe.

How to incorporate agility training?

Agility training is an important part of any rugby player’s training regime. Agility is the ability to change direction quickly and efficiently, and it is a key quality for any rugby player.

There are many different agility training drills that rugby players can do to improve their performance on the field. Some of these drills focus on acceleration, while others focus on change of direction.

Acceleration drills are designed to help players move more quickly from a static start. These drills usually involve short sprints of 10-20 meters. Change of direction drills, on the other hand, are designed to help players move quickly and efficiently in different directions. These drills often involve zig-zag running or running between cones.

Rugby players need to be able to acceleration and change direction quickly and efficiently in order to be successful on the field. Studies have also shown that an increase in agility skills reduce the risk of contact injuries occurring.

How to incorporate psychological thinking?

Some of the most important psychological skills for rugby include self-awareness, confidence, focus, and resilience. By developing these skills, you can give yourself a mental edge over your opponents.

Here are some tips on how to develop each of these psychological skills:

-Self-awareness: Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions during games and practice. This will help you understand what works and doesn't work for you mentally.

-Confidence: Believe in your abilities and back yourself to make good decisions on the rugby field.

-Focus: When the game is on the line, be laser-focused on the task at hand, however, don't allow yourself to get into 'tunnel vision' which means you become unaware of your surroundings and may miss important things.

There are a number of ways to improve your rugby performance. Resistance training can help you build muscle and improve your strength. Agility training can help you improve your speed and quickness. Psychological techniques can help you improve your focus and reduce your anxiety. All of these methods will improve your performance and reduce your risk of injury.

Keep up-to-date with MSKblogs for more tips about your sport.

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