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How to recover from an ankle injury

Recovering from an ankle injury requires time, patience, and a proper rehabilitation plan. Treatment will include:

- Rest and protect: Initially, it's important to rest your ankle to allow it to heal. Avoid putting weight on it and use crutches if necessary. Protect the ankle by wearing a supportive brace or wrap.

- Ice and compression: Apply ice packs wrapped in a towel to the injured ankle for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours. Compression with an elastic bandage can help reduce swelling.

- Elevate: Elevate your ankle above heart level whenever possible to minimise swelling. This helps improve blood circulation and reduce fluid buildup.

- Pain management: Over-the-counter pain medications can provide temporary relief. However, consult a healthcare professional to ensure they are suitable for you.

- Rehabilitation exercises: Once the initial swelling and pain subside, start gentle range-of-motion exercises. Rotate your foot in circles, flex and point your toes, and perform gentle ankle stretches. This helps maintain flexibility and prevent stiffness.

- Strengthening exercises: Gradually progress to exercises that strengthen the muscles around your ankle. Calf raises, ankle alphabet (drawing letters with your toes), and resistance band exercises can improve stability and support.

- Balance and proprioception training: Incorporate balance exercises like single-leg stands or using a wobble board. This helps retrain your ankle's proprioception (awareness of joint position) and improves stability.

- Gradual return to activity: As your ankle gets stronger, gradually reintroduce weight-bearing activities. Start with low-impact exercises such as swimming or stationary cycling before progressing to walking, jogging, and eventually running.

- Supportive footwear: Wear proper footwear that provides ankle support and cushioning. Consider using orthotics or shoe inserts if recommended by a healthcare professional.

Throughout your recovery, consult a healthcare professional, such as a physical therapist or sports medicine specialist. They can assess your progress, provide guidance, and adjust your rehabilitation plan as needed.

For more information on treatments and how to book a consultation, please visit our website.

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