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  • Emily-Haf

What are the most common injuries to avoid when playing golf?

Do you like to play golf, but are worried about some of the injuries it may cause? Well, we've got you covered.

When playing golf, it is important to be mindful of potential injuries that can occur on the course. While golf is generally considered a low-impact sport, improper technique, overexertion, and repetitive motions can lead to certain injuries.

The most common of these include:

- Golfer's Elbow: Also known as medial epicondylitis, this injury involves inflammation and pain on the inner side of the elbow. It is often caused by repetitive swinging motions and can be mitigated by using proper technique, maintaining good conditioning, and taking breaks when needed.

- Back Strain: The rotational movement involved in golf swings can strain the muscles and ligaments in the back. Poor posture, overuse, and lack of flexibility contribute to this injury. Engaging in regular stretching exercises, maintaining core strength, and using proper technique can help prevent back strain.

- Golf-Related Knee Injuries: The torque generated during the golf swing can put stress on the knees. Common injuries include strains, sprains, and meniscal tears. Wearing supportive footwear, maintaining good conditioning, and using proper swing mechanics are essential in preventing knee injuries.

- Wrist Injuries: The repetitive motion of the golf swing can lead to wrist overuse and strain. Golfers may experience tendonitis or ligament sprains. Proper grip technique, using clubs with appropriate shaft stiffness, and avoiding excessive practice can help prevent wrist injuries.

- Shoulder Injuries: The repetitive motion and forceful swinging involved in golf can lead to shoulder impingement, rotator cuff strains, and labral tears. Adequate warm-up exercises, maintaining shoulder flexibility, and using proper swing mechanics can reduce the risk of shoulder injuries.

To minimise the risk of injury, it is crucial to engage in regular conditioning exercises, maintain proper swing mechanics, and listen to your body's signals. It is also advisable to consult with a golf professional to ensure that your technique is correct. Remember to warm up adequately before playing and always prioritise safety on the golf course.

For more information on treatments and how to book a consultation, please visit our website.

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